Auto Captions Make Subtitles Easy!

March 7, 2025

Auto Captions Make Subtitles Easy!

Save a ton of time with AI-powered automatic captioning in your videos! Auto Captions help you reach a global audience and keep them engaged with your message. (They’re also great for reaching an audience with the volume turned off.)

Subtitles are as much of a visual hook as your actual video content; as much a tool to stop the swiping as they are to deliver a message. Creating text and accurate timing used to require hours of painstaking work, but AI has taken over the heavy lifting– accurate, fast subtitle generation is now a button push away.

Why use KineMaster's auto captions?

KineMaster’s AI-powered auto captions are simple to make, but styling can go as deep as you want. Take your captions from full sentences to word-by-word slices, change up the fonts, color code them… make what you’re saying look as good as how you’re saying it. KineMaster gives you total control in a small, easy to understand interface.

Learn more about KineMaster's auto captions

🎯 1. Accuracy Counts

AI can do an exceptional job recognizing voices and converting it into text. Auto captions’ accuracy usually requires nothing more than a quick once-over and a few spot corrections, and that’s only if you were recording in a noisy environment.

🌍 2. Your Words Count

KineMaster lets you say what you want, in whichever language you want– auto captions are available for more than 20 languages, with even more in beta testing (you can use them now, just be sure to proofread) for full support in the future.

💡 Who’s supported?

English, Korean, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese, Arabic, Indonesian, German, Japanese, Vietnamese, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Thai, Malay, Bengali, Urdu, Russian

✨ 3. Simplicity Counts

It really is as easy as pushing a button

1️⃣ Open KineMaster and start a project
2️⃣ Add a video, tap Auto Captions
3️⃣ Tap get Plug-in
4️⃣ Proof and style your captions
5️⃣ Save your video and share it!

Show and Tell!

Drive your engagement on social media higher, make your videos easy and entertaining to watch, and add some visual excitement to your videos with captions– now that they’re so easy to create, there’s really no reason not to. Leave the tedious work to auto captions and free up time for what really matters: what you’re saying.


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